Maltese Cross seeds


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About this product

Maltese Cross SEEDS

Open Pollinated


Year grown/saved: 2024

Quantity of seeds: ΒΌ teaspoon

Maltese cross has showy clusters of bright red flowers that bloom from mid-summer until frost. Grows 2-3ft tall, and has sturdy stems, but best planted in mass plantings for the wow factor. Also great for planting in a mass with other flowers of a similar height, such as poppies.

Grows very well in sandy and rocky, dry or well-drained soil. Prefers full sun.

Attractive to pollinators. Resistant to deer and other wildlife.

Hardy in Thunder Bay and should come back year after year.

Sow seeds on the ground in the fall. Do not cover with soil, compost or mulch. These seeds need light to germinate.

Alternatively, seeds may be sown in late winter or very early spring, while the ground is still frozen and covered in snow. Maltese cross needs cold stratification to germinate, so the free-thaw period is important. If you cannot sow seeds while the ground is frozen, store the seeds in the freezer for now.

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Ayano's Urban Garden
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