Lovage (herb) seeds


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About this product

Lovage Seeds
(Levisticum officinale)

Year grown/saved: 2024

# of seeds: ½ teaspoon

Lovage is a perennial herb, related to carrots. The leaves have a strong scent similar to celery and can be used instead of celery in soups.

Lovage can grow strikingly tall, with flower heads 6 ft tall. Pollinators love the flowers. The dried seeds resemble fennel and can be harvested and used as a spice as well.

The leaves can be harvested and dried for use later in soups and stews. Dry in bunches and rub leaves off stalk. Properly dried, then stored in an airtight container, lovage leaves remain fragrant for a couple of years.

Start seeds indoors in April, or winter sow by putting seeds in potting mix and leaving outside. Thin to one seedling per pot. Transplant after hardening off and danger of frost is past. Once established, lovage should come back year after year. If grown with low growing plants, a square foot of space is the minimum space required for a single lovage plant. If grown with taller plants, it may need more space.

Please see my other listings - I sell a wide variety of locally adapted vegetable and flower seeds.

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