Patisson Golden Marbre Scallop Summer Squash Seeds


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About this product

Patisson Golden Marbre Scallop Summer Squash SEEDS
(Patty pan type summer squash)

Year grown/saved: 2024

# of seeds: 12

Patisson Golden Marbre has replaced zucchini in my garden. Grows like zucchini, tastes like a less watery version of zucchini, and the fruits don’t turn into the size of a fat cat if left unattended.

The taste is slightly nutty, and the water content is much lower, making it a versatile vegetable great for stir fries, chocolate cake, latkes, soup, salad, and much more.

When eating fresh, I prefer to harvest when they are smaller than a baseball.

The growth habit is sprawling like a zucchini, so make sure you have plenty of space for it.

The fruit is pale yellow at first and deepens to orange if you leave it to mature on the vine. Cured like a winter squash, it keeps for months indoors. It’s not as sweet as winter squash, but I mix it with winter squash in soups. I also shred it to bake cakes and muffins with.

Please see my other listings - I sell a wide variety of locally adapted vegetable and flower seeds.

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