Mint - Chocolate (Young Potted Herb)


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About this product

Plant Chocolate Mint as a fast growing plant. As with other culinary mints, they are best grown in containers to keep under control.

A rapid spreading plant, the Chocolate Mint plants. As with most mints, to keep controlled, plant in containers. Chocolate Mint tastes like chocolate peppermint candy and is delicious copped in fruit recipes, especially with fresh strawberries, or dried for tea. One of the more versatile herb plants.

Rapid grower
Grows in poor soil
Use in culinary dishes
Container plant
Tastes like chocolate peppermint candy

The Chocolate Mint plant is fragrant and attractive with its purple, dark green leaves. Plant Mentha piperita 12 to 18 inches apart. To keep in best shape, cut plants to ground in winter or early fall.
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